Tag Archives: South Africa

National Children Protection Week – 27 May to 03 June 2013

Way too many of OUR children are being attacked, raped and neglected by fellow South Africans and even more so sad…Family Members. Today I even read an article where a 14 year old boy was arrested this past weekend for killing 4 family members by hacking them to death with an axe. I am not defending him nor am I saying that he’s guilty until this is investigated and he’s convicted of this crime. What I’m getting at is WHAT can cause a 14 year old CHILD to allegedly commit a crime of this nature… I guess we’ll find out in time.

 Social Development Minister, Bathabile Dlamini explained that the “National Children Protection Week” campaign is kicking off at the “International Conference Centre” in Durban and runs from 27 May to 3 June under the theme “Working Together to Protect Children”.

 To show your support, wear the green ribbon which symbolises life and growth associated with children.

Child Protection Logo

Child Protection Logo

 I am purposefully not using the names of the recent Rape and Violence attack victims in our country as I do not want it to seem as though I’m using their stories for visitors here but my heart and condolences goes out to all of the friends and families still dealing with the attacks and in some instances, deaths of these children.

Come on South Africa and even the rest of the world. Let’s stand up and protect our Children, Together.

Sincerely Yours,


18th Annual MTN SAMA Awards 2012

The 18th Annual MTN South African Music Awards 2012

 A HUGE congratulations from Stan1 & ReignCloud Entertainment to all of the SAMA Nominees and Winners!

The Winners Are: 

Best Alternative Album
The Dirty Skirts for Lost In The Fall 

Best Kiddies Album
Wendy Oldfield for Singalong Kidz Volume 2

Best Smooth Urban Music Album
Zahara for Loliwe

Best Contemporary Faith Music Album
The Plain Truth – We Are the Shining Ones

Best Classical and Instrumental Album
CH2 for Ping

Best Collaboration
Zahara featuring Georgy for Incwad’Encane

 Best Jazz Album
Jimmy Dludlu for Tonota

Best Pop Album
Lloyd Cele for One

Best African Adult Album
Zonke for Ina Ethe

Best Rock Album
Shadowclub for Guns and Money

Best Traditional Music Album
Soul Brothers for Amaphutha

 Best Traditional Faith Music Album
Solly Mahlangu for Mwamba Mwamba

Best Street Urban Music Album
AKA for Altar Ego

Best Sokkie Dans Album
Snotkop for Ek Laaik Van Jol

Best Adult Contemporary Album
Elvis Blue for Elvis Blue (2CD Special Edition)

Best Maskandi Album
Thokozani Langa for I-Protection Order

Best Kwaito Album
Big Nuz for Pound for Pound

 Best Dance Album
Mi Casa for Mi Casa Music

Special Award:  Best Selling Album
Loliwe by Zahara

Special Award: MTNBest SellingMobileMusic Download
Facebook by DJ Cleo

Newcomer of the Year
Zahara for Loliwe

Duo/Group of the Year
Mi Casa for Mi Casa Music

 Male Artist of the Year
AKA for Altar Ego

Female Artist of the Year
Zahara for Loliwe

MTNRecord of the Year
Mi Casa for These Streets

Album of the Year
Loliwe by Zahara


Trailer – Cape Town TakeOver Music Video

 Proudly CapeTonian
Stan1 Baby

Josh “J-Money”

ReignCloud Entertainment can be contacted by sending an email to: reigncloud.ent@gmail.com

ReignCloud Entertainment’s FB Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cape-Town-South-Africa/ReignCloud-Entertainment/119984198035813

Stan1 FB Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Stan1/141716362902?ref=ts

Follow Me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Stanwin_Stan1
Follow RCE on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ReignCloudENT
Available Stan1 Tracks: http://soundcloud.com/stan1-baby/tracks

20elevohn…Thank YOU!!!

What’s up E’rrybody…

 What an overwhelming feeling when checking the stats of my Blog.  To see that even though I haven’t been able to get around to post a proper blog in a while, the Love and Support is still pouring in with over a thousand views in the last couple of months!

I will be back up to my normal blogging routine, though…SOON!

This year, thus far, has been filled with me fighting to regain my positive constantly motivated attitude…and I’m almost there…

To most of you, Last year was the first time you heard of Stan1 even though I’ve been in this industry for about 3 going on 4years now…and it’s been one heck of a ride…

20elevohn…This will be the year we reap the fruits of our labour!

THANK YOU again for your continued Love and Support!

Cape Towns Only
Stan1 Baby

Josh “J-Money”

ReignCloud Entertainment can be contacted by sending an email to: reigncloud.ent@gmail.com

ReignCloud Entertainment’s FB Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cape-Town-South-Africa/ReignCloud-Entertainment/119984198035813

Stan1 FB Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Stan1/141716362902?ref=ts

Follow Me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Stanwin_Stan1
Follow RCE on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ReignCloudENT
Available Stan1 Tracks: http://soundcloud.com/stan1-baby/tracks

Welcome to 20elevohn from Stan1 & RCE

20elevohn is here and already 5days in and not waiting on anyone for anything!
I wish for Happiness and Prosperity to you and yours…

20-1-Oh was a good year…and from that, we grow! or like Jigga Man says: “On to the Next One”, cos we are moving on and we’re progressing baby!

Every time I see peeps, they’re always asking me when is the EP dropping???
Well I was hoping to have released my EP, Cape Town TakeOver, by now already but Management has explained it to me…over and over….and uhm….over…lol that everything needs to be in place for the release and that’s the only thing holding up the release!

All 10 tracks have been selected, mixed and mastered and most of all…BURNING to get out in the world!!!

Talking about management, my ReignCloud Entertainment Family has grown and we are stronger than ever.  We believe that 20elevohn is going to be a big and we would Love to share our Achievements with you so please go to and “Like” our ReignCloud Entertainment Page on Facebook as well as my “Stan1” page!

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for all of the Love and Support you’ve all shown us in the past year as a company as well as past years as my Stan1 brand grows with your support!

I wish I could go into more “specific” detail as to what 20elevohn holds in store but for now all I can say is that we are bringing Great Music to South Africa.  And no matter where I go…I will ALWAYS Rep, Cape Town!!!That’s my word!

Proudly CapeTonian

Stan1 Baby

Josh “J-Money”

ReignCloud Entertainment can be contacted by sending an email to: reigncloud.ent@gmail.com

ReignCloud Entertainment’s FB Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cape-Town-South-Africa/ReignCloud-Entertainment/119984198035813

Stan1 FB Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Stan1/141716362902?ref=ts

Follow Me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Stanwin_Stan1
Follow RCE on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ReignCloudENT
Available Stan1 Tracks: http://soundcloud.com/stan1-baby/tracks



I Am Truly Blessed

To have had the opportunity to work with some of the greatest local artists and also some very talented international artists so early in my music career has honestly been a humbling experience.

I’m not about the “name-dropping” to boast…but to have worked in studio with, on stage and featuring on records and even having these artists feature on my records really makes me proud to be a South-African and even more so, Cape Tonian…

This past Sunday, 29 November 2010, my Boi and Mentor, Ernie.B St.Clair dropped his sophomore album, “I am Universal”.  You’ve all gotta get your copy ASAP!!!

I was also blessed with the opportunity to perform our collaborated #1 Hit, “Tonight”.

To see all of these super talented artists on the “Pipeline Records” catalogue really made me proud to be affiliated to some of Cape Town’s up and coming… |Co-Sign|

I can go on and on about which tracks on the “I am Universal” album are my favourites but I…wait…We would Love to know what you think…So HURRY and get your copy and US Know!!!

Again…I am truly Blessed…Thank You, God!!!

“I don’t support local Music just cos it’s local music…but because it’s Good Music!”

Proudly CapeTonian

Stan1 Baby


Josh “J-Money”

ReignCloud Entertainment can be contacted by sending an email to: reigncloud.ent@gmail.com

ReignCloud Entertainment’s FB Fan Page:

Stan1 FB Fan Page:

Follow Me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Stanwin_Stan1
Follow RCE on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ReignCloudENT
Available Stan1 Tracks: http://soundcloud.com/stan1-baby/tracks

My Inspiration

So many times I get asked where I get my inspiration from…and usually my answer is life…hmmm, thinking about it now even leaves me with a, HUH?

I actually thought about it and I came to the conclusion that my inspiration to writing the music I do comes from a place within me that is triggered by something from the outside added to the complications that occur with a strategised moment within a paradox…Confused?

Exactly…I’m STILL not sure exactly where it comes from. (“,) ha-haha…I couldn’t help myself with that!

But from my, personal, song-writing experience and what I have found that works for me, is writing about my personal experiences.  Even though I have quite the “Vivid” imagination, I only use it to “spice” up certain concepts. Another plus to me writing about my own experiences, is that when I perform my music it’s easier for me to engage with the crowd…

This is why I keep referring to my EP, “Cape Town TakeOver”, as my diary for the last couple of months.  A lot of personal things that I dealt with will be available to all of you to, enjoy.  I use the word “Enjoy”, because I honestly put my heart in it and kept it as real as possible!

Cape Town TakeOver EP will be available soon! #RealTalk

Proudly CapeTonian

Stan1 Baby



Josh “J-Money”

ReignCloud Entertainment can be contacted by sending an email to: reigncloud.ent@gmail.com

ReignCloud Entertainment’s FB Fan Page:


Stan1 FB Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Stan1/141716362902?ref=ts/

Follow Me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Stanwin_Stan1/

Follow RCE on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ReignCloudENT/

Available Stan1 Tracks: http://soundcloud.com/stan1-baby/tracks/


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